Welcome to our Testimonials page.  These testimonials are from real people and we love to hear from each and every one. If you have a Testimonial please email them to us.

Dakota Dvorak

My son and I first met Sam through a mutual friend.  It was not long after my husband passed, and we were struggling with the loss.


I was told about Sam's mission to help kids with special needs and thought it might be a good way to help my son.  Never did I realize how much we both would benefit.  Sam became my son's mentor, friend and a surogate father.  He learned new skills, gained confidence, met new friends and learned to smile again!  Seeing the wonderful changes Sam made in my son's life also brought much joy to mine!


Along the way, we watched Sam bring joy, confidence and friendship into many other kids' lives and to aways help anyone in need.


Sam truly lives his mission, and just being around him and listening to his words brings joy and hope whose life he touches!


Jimmee Dvorak